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Competition & Beginner/Performance Teams
Diamonda Competition Team 15y-18y
60$Every monthValid for 10 months- *All fees are not include in monthly fees*
- Skill Level Required
- Try-Out Required
Glitz Competition Team 6y-9y
60$Every monthGlitz have the unique experience of competing in various competitionsValid for 10 months- * other fees are not include in monthly Fee*
- *Skill Guidelines is required*
Princess Competition Team 10y-14y
60$Every monthOur dance team students experience the joy of competetiong at various regional dance competitionValid for 10 months- * Other fees are not included in monthly fee*
- *Skills level are reured*
Beginner Princess Performance 10y-14
55$ÂValid for 10 months- Learn the begginer skills of majorette and proframnce
Beginner Glitz Performance 5y-9y
55$Every monthValid for 10 months

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